
Exclusive Complimentary Perks

  • A Room Category Upgrade Subject to Availability at Check-In*
  • Complimentary Breakfast x 2 Daily**
  • A $40 F&B Credit (Credit is per day for a maximum of 3 days only.)***
  • A Daily $5 WiFi Credit Applied to Daily Resort Fee
  • Late Check-Out, subj to avails. upon Request

  • *The Room Category Upgrade is Subject to Availability at Check-In and certain room categories are not eligible.

    **The Breakfast Credit is $15 per person for up to 2 people Daily. Additional restrictions may apply.

    ***The Hotel Credit as outlined above is per stay, daily, for a maximum of 3 days. This applies even when back-to-back reservations for consecutive stays are booked. No cash value if not redeemed in full.

    IMPORTANT! The Daily Resort Fee is included in our Grand Total. The Resort Fee amount & inclusions are subject to change without notice prior to the guest's arrival. The Resort Credit given as part of our package may not be used toward the Daily Resort Fee.

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Reservations are Eligible for Hotel Rewards Programs

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